Liminal Time

Liminal Time; the waiting area between one point in time and space and the next.

Ending of day,

darkness and light.

Hiding and revealing, drawing us in.

Moments of insight held from the day.

Interpreted at the point when day

becomes night.

All becomes hidden, but understood by senses

other than sight.

A liminal crossing’

and senses are honed,

To speak of one point in time

and movement into the next.

Waiting and holding and wanting

to let go and move into

the coming moment of time and space.

The waiting place,

where heaven touches earth.

My life.

2 thoughts on “Liminal Time

  1. Strange I’ve been thinking about liminality … that strange place between, Hovering between life and death held together by breath which is here & gone maybe to come again .. 🙏🏻

    Sent from my iPhone



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