
Helen and I celebrate 7 years of married life today. It’s flown by!

Thorough all the twists and turns of life these moments in time are anchors that weave their way into not just our conscious, but unconscious mind. We each of us need these moments in time that we regard as special. Meaning that we don’t take them for granted. They have a place in our hearts and minds and spirits.

I have struggled with mental health issues throughout my fife. Meeting Helen has helped me to face up to my own demons and challenges. She is a gift from God to me. I am immensly humbled.

You have your own story and struggles and I pray for you in your moments of challenge and happiness.

May the peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God…..and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be with you all, evermore. AMEN

3 thoughts on “Anniversary

  1. My dears, how wonderful, my the rest of your days be filled with gratitude joy and hope Fondest love to you both Rick xxxx

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  2. Congratulations to you both on your seventh wedding anniversary. Thank you for sharing such a lovely photo and for all your comments and thoughts. Hope you are having a great day.
    Love and God Bless from Joyce and Bill xxxx


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